Artist statement

April 20, 2019By Philippe Safire StudioStudio, Thoughts

« Like many, I have witnessed the emergence of the Internet, personal computers, games and virtual reality. I see this unique moment as an inspiration and an opportunity to experiment with new ways of making art. My work explores the transition to the Digital Age. I create interactive installations, websites, apps, lenticular prints and sculptures—designed with … Read More


February 9, 2018By Philippe Safire StudioExhibitions, Studio

Profile 2017 Lenticular print 46 x 62 in (116.8 x 157.5 cm) Unique edition Profile is a lenticular print designed by Philippe Safire that visualizes voter demographics—by race and gender—in America. Artwork commissioned by ArtsWestchester for the exhibition “Give Us the Vote,” October 7, 2017-February 10, 2018. Read more >

Studio Work

April 8, 2015By Philippe Safire StudioInspiration, Studio, Thoughts

Our latest art installations combine an animation projected onto a sculpture. This creative approach led us to explore the concept of “projection” in psychological terms. The Rorschach test serves as a visual inspiration of this phenomena. Play the video >

Studio Work

September 15, 2014By Philippe Safire StudioStudio

We have been working on a new sculpture representing a human skull. The piece is entitled Vanitas and alludes to the famous tradition within European art, in which the viewer is confronted by his own mortality. Play the video >